Pronunciation Guide
The letters shown below are meant to be pronounced each in one unique way. The letters shown in bold are the ones you need to get acquainted with since they are either pronounced different or have a new sound to English. Due to having less Latin letters than the sounds required three arrangements are made in two ways:
Traditional LLL:
1. The letters with a dot above the letter are pronounced thicker such in D & Ḋ, H & Ḣ, S & Ṡ, K & Ḱ etc..
2. Ġ and Ḱ are used as shown below
3. Role/ stress-on all double letters.
4. The double vowels such as aa, ee, and oo are pronounced longer than single a, e or o.
War’a | Paper |
Alam | Pen |
Beb | Door |
Cajra | Tree |
Daraj | Stairs |
Ḋaw | Light |
Warde | Rose |
Finjen | Cup |
Arġiile | Water pipe |
Ciġil | Work |
Hawa | Air |
Ḣilo | Beautiful/Sweet |
Im | Mother |
Iid | Hand |
Jabal | Mountain |
Akil | Food |
Ḱibiz | Bread |
Laban | Yogurt |
Mreye | Mirror |
Nahir | River |
Moz | Banana |
Please | Please |
Iiqaax | Rhythm |
Raṡ | Head |
Sama | Sky |
Ṡura | Picture |
Talij | Snow/ Ice |
Ṫawiil | Tall |
Uḋa | Room |
Video | Video |
Warde | Rose |
Xein | Eye/Water spring |
Yamiin | Right |
Zahra | Flower |
Buża | Icecream |
Btiḣke Libnene? | Do you speak Lebanese? |
Biḣke cway | I speak a little |
Biḣke Libnene mniiḣ | I speak good Lebanese |
Ma biḣke Libnene | I don’t speak Lebanese |
Ma bifham Libnene | I don’t understand Lebanese |
For Alphabet pronunciation short videos Click Here
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