Mini Dictionary: English – Lebanese
A | |
a little | cway |
a little | cwe |
after shave | after shave m,s |
afternoon | baxd ḋḋihir m,s |
agree/ accept | ibil v |
AIDS | siida |
air | hawa m |
an orange/ orange tree | laymune f,s |
announce/ advertise | axlan v |
apple | tiffeḣ pl |
apple/ apple tree | tiffeḣa f,s |
apricot | micmoc pl |
April | Niisen m,s |
arak/ Lebanese liquor | xara` m,s |
ask | sa`al v |
assure/ confirm | akkad v |
at | bi |
attend a mass | addas v |
August | Ab m |
aunt (father side) | xamme f,s |
aunt (mother side) | ḱele/ ḱale f,s |
autumn | ḱariif m,s |
autumn | l ḱariif m,s |
await | naṫar v |
B | |
baby | bebe s |
back (body) | ḋahir m,s |
bag | canta f,s |
bag | kiis m,s |
baker | firran m,s |
baker | firrane f,s |
baker | ḱibbez m,s |
baker | ḱibbeze f,s |
bakery | firin m,s |
bakery | maḱbaz m,s |
ball | ṫabe f,s |
banana | moz pl |
bananna | mawze f,s |
bank | bank m,s |
baptism | xmede f,s |
bar | baar m,s |
barbecue | barbecue m,s |
barbershop | ḣille` m,s |
barra | outside |
basket | salle f,s |
bathroom | ḣimmem m,s |
battery | biṫṫariyye f,s |
be convinced/ be content | inix v |
be done/ complete | ḱiliṡ v |
be happy | nbaṡaṫ v |
beach | caṫṫ m,s |
beach/ sea | baḣir m,s |
beans | faṡulya pl |
beard | da`in f,s |
because | la`anno |
become narrow | de` v |
become upset | angar v |
bed | taḱit m,s |
beer | biira f,s |
before | abil |
before noon | abil ḋḋihir/ ḋḋohir |
behind | wara |
bell | jaraṡ m,s |
below/ under | taḣit |
beside | ḣadd |
better than | aḣsan min |
better/ best | aḣsan |
between | ben |
beyond | wara |
big | kbiir m,s |
bikini | bikini m,s |
bill | fetura f,s |
bird | ṫer m,s |
birthday | birthday m&f,s |
bite | xaḋḋ v |
black | aswad m,s |
black | sawda f,s |
Black | sud pl |
blackberry | tut pl |
blacksmith | ḣidded m,s |
blacksmith | ḣiddede f,s |
blanket | ġaṫa m,s |
blind | axma m,s |
blind | xamya m,s |
blood | damm m,s |
blue | azra’ m,s |
blue | zar`a f,s |
blue | ziri` pl |
boat | caḱtura f,s |
body | jisim m,s |
bone | xaḋme f,s |
books | kitob pl |
books | kteb m,s |
bottle | anniine f,s |
box | sandu` m,s |
boy | ṡabe m,s |
boy | walad m,s |
bread | ḱibiz pl |
breakfast | tirwii`a f,s |
bride | xarus f,s |
bring | jeb v |
brother | ḱayy m,s |
brown | binne m,s |
brown | binne pl |
brown | binniyye f,s |
bucket | ṡaṫil m,s |
builder | mixmarje m,s |
building | bineye f,s |
bull | tor m,s |
burn | ḣara` v |
but | bass |
butter | zibde f,s |
button | zirr m,s |
buy | ctara v |
bye | Bye |
C | |
cabbage | malfuf pl |
café | ahwe f,s |
cake | cake/gateau* m,s |
calendar | riznema f,s |
calendar (variant) | ruznema f,s |
call for/upon | neda v |
can opener | fitteḣit xilab f,s |
Canada | Kanada f,s |
candle | camxa f,s |
car | siyyara f,s |
card | kart m,s |
carpenter | nijjar m,s |
carpenter | nijjara f,s |
carpet | sijjede f,s |
carrot | jazar pl |
carry | ḣimil v |
castle | alxa f,s |
cat | bsayne f,s |
chair | kirse f,s |
charcoal | faḣim pl |
charcoal | faḣme f,s |
cheese | jibne f,s |
cherries | karaz pl |
chestnut | kastana pl |
chicken | djej pl |
chicken | djeje f,s |
Chinese | Ṡiine m,s |
church | kniise f,s |
cigarette | siigaara f,s |
city | madiine f,s |
class | ṡaff m,s |
clothes store | maḣall tyeb m,s |
coffee | ahwe f,s |
cold | barid |
column/post | xamud m,s |
comb | miciṫ m,s |
come | ija v |
concerning | biḱṡuṡ |
convenience shop | dikken m,s |
convince | anax v |
cooking pan | ṫanijra f,s |
cork | falliine f,s |
cotton | iṫin pl |
count | xadd v |
cousin: daughter of maternal uncle | binit ḱel f,s |
cousin: daughter of paternal uncle | binit xam f,s |
cousin: son of maternal aunt | ibin ḱele m,s |
cousin: son of maternal uncle | ibin ḱel m,s |
cousin: son of paternal aunt | ibin xamme m,s |
cousin: son of paternal uncle | ibin xam m,s |
cover | ġaṫṫa v |
crazy | majnun m,s |
crazy | majnune f,s |
cross | aṫax v |
cube of ice | talje f,s |
cucumber | ḱyar pl |
cup | finjen m,s |
curtain | birdeye f,s |
cut | aṡṡ v |
cut | aṫax v |
cute | mahḋum m,s |
D | |
dad/ father | baba f,s |
dance | ra`ṡa f,s |
dance | ra`aṡ v |
dark | xatme |
date | teriiḱ m,s |
date/meeting | mawxid m,s |
daughter/ girl | binit f,s |
day | yom m,s |
dead | mayyit f,s |
December | Kenun Awwal m,s |
decide | arrar v |
deep | xamii` |
delay | aḱḱar v |
dentist | ḣakiim snen m,s |
desk | maktab m,s |
despite | max inno |
diamond | ilmaaż pl |
diaper | ḣfaaḋ m,s |
diapers | ḣfaḋet pl |
dictionary | aamus m,s |
die | met v |
difficult | ṡaxib m,s |
dinner | xaca m,s |
dirt/ sand | trab m,s |
dirty | mijwe m,s |
dirty | mijwiyye f,s |
discipline | addab v |
distribute | wazzax v |
dog | kalib m,s |
door | beb m,s |
down | taḣit |
dress | fiṡtan m,s |
dress | fṡatiin pl |
drink | cirib v |
drive | se` v |
dry | naccaf v |
dry | necfe m,s |
dry | necif f,s |
dry cleaner | maṡibġa f,s |
E | |
ear | dayne f,s |
early | bakkiir |
earrings | ḣala` pl |
east | cari` |
eat | akal v |
egg | bayḋa f,s |
eggplant | batinjen pl |
eggs | beḋ pl |
eight | tmene |
eighteen | tmentaxc |
eighty | tmeniin |
elbow/ road-trun | kux m,s |
electricity | kahraba |
eleven | ḣdaxc |
email m,s | |
embassy | safaara f,s |
employee | mważżaf m,s |
employee | mważżafe f,s |
engagement | ḱiṫbe f,s |
engineer | mhandis m,s |
engineer | mhandse f,s |
England | Ingiltra f,s |
English | Ingliize m,s |
enter | fet v |
entry fee | dḱuliyye f,s |
envelope | żarif m,s |
escape | harab v |
estimate | addar v |
evening | xaciiyye |
everyone | kill waḣad |
everything | kill cii |
except | ma xada |
excuse me/ please | iza bitriid m |
excuse me/ please | iza bitriide f |
eye | xen f,s |
eyes/ water prings | xyun pl |
F | |
fall asleep | ġife v |
fall | wi`ix v |
family | xayle f,s |
fan | marwaḣa f,s |
far/ away | bxiid |
farmer | muzerix m,s |
farmer | muzerxa f,s |
fast | sariix m |
fat | naṡḣa f,s |
fat | naṡiḣ m,s |
father | bay m,s |
fax | fax m,s |
feast | xaziime f,s |
February | Cbaṫ m,s |
feel | ḣass v |
feel hot | cawwab v |
fiance | ḱaṫiib m,s |
fifteen | ḱamstaxc |
fifty | ḱamsiin |
fig | tiin pl |
finace | ḱaṫiibe f,s |
finger | isbix m,s |
finish | ḱiliṡ v |
fire | nar f,s |
fireworks | fir`ex pl |
fish | samak pl |
fish | samke f,s |
fits/ right-done | mażbut m,s |
five | ḱamse |
flight ticket | tikit ṫiyyara m,s |
flour | ṫḣiin pl |
flower | zahra f,s |
flowers | zhur pl |
fly | dibbene f,s |
fly | ṫar v |
for | la |
forget | nise v |
fork | cawke f,s |
forty | arbxiin |
four | arbxa |
fourteen | arbaxtaxc |
France | Fransa f,s |
freeze | farraz v |
Friday | L Jimxa f,s |
friend | rfii` m,s |
friend | rfii`a f,s |
from | min |
frown | kaccar v |
fruit | fweke pl |
G | |
garage | garage m,s |
garbage | zbele pl |
garlic/ garlic paste | tum pl |
gas | benziin m,s |
German | Ilmaane m,s |
German | Ilmaaniyye f,s |
Germany | Ilmaanya f,s |
get close/ approach | arrab v |
get down | nizil v |
get full | cibix v |
get lost/stray | ḋax v |
get ruined | ḱirib v |
get scared | ḱef v |
get sick | miriḋ v |
get tired | tixib v |
glad to meet you | tcirrafna |
glass | `zez pl |
glass/ cup | kibbeye f,s |
God | Alla m,s |
gold | dahab pl |
golden | dahabe m,s |
Golden | dahabiyye f,s & pl. |
good/ fine | mniiḣ m |
good/ fine | mniiḣa f |
grandfather | jidd m,s |
grandmother | sitt f,s |
grape | xinab pl |
grape leaves | wara` xariic pl |
grapes | xinab pl |
gray | rmede m,s |
gray | rmediyye f,s |
green | aḱḋar m,s |
green | aḱḋar m,s |
green | ḱaḋra f,s |
Green | ḱiḋir pl |
green beans | lubye ḱadra pl |
greet | sallam v |
grill | ciwe v |
grill | man`al m,s |
grilled | micwe |
grilled chicken breast | ciic ṫawu` pl |
grilling skewers | cyec pl |
groom | xariis m,s |
ground -flavored meat grilled on sticks | kabeb pl |
ground wheat | birġol pl |
ground-flavored meat | kafta f,s |
grow big/old | kibir v |
H | |
hair | caxir m,pl. |
half | niṡṡ |
half (variant) | noṡṡ |
hall | qaaxa f,s |
hand palm | kaff m, s. |
hand/ arm | iid f,s |
he (is) | huwwe m,s |
head | ras m,s |
heart | alib m,s |
hello/ hi | marḣaba |
here | hon |
high | xele |
highway | otostraad m,s |
hill | talle f,s |
history | teriiḱ m,s |
hobby | hiweye f,s |
hole/ ditch | jura f,s |
honey | xasal pl |
honeymoon | cahir xasal m,s |
hookah | argiile |
horn (car) | zammur m,s |
horse | ḣṡan m,s |
hospital | mistacfa m,s |
host | muḋiif m,s |
hostess | muḋiife f,s |
hot | cob |
hotel | otel m,s |
hour/watch | sexa |
house | bet m,s |
how are you? | Kiifak? m |
how are you? | kiifik? f |
how many? | kam? |
how much? | addee? |
how? | kiif? |
human being | insen m,s |
hundred | miyye |
husband | joz m,s |
hymn | tirtiile f,m |
I | |
I want | badde |
I/ I am | ana |
ice | talij pl |
ice cream | buża pl |
in | bi |
ink | ḣibir pl |
insect | ḣacara f,s |
inside | bi/ juwwa |
internet | internet f,s |
invent | ḱtarax v |
invitation | xaziime f,s |
iron | mikweye f,s |
iron (material) | ḣadiid pl |
Italian | Ṫilyene m,s |
Italy | Iṫaalya f,s |
J | |
jam | mrabba pl |
January | Kenun Tene m,s |
Japanese | Yabaane m,s |
jeans | jeans m,s |
jewelry shop | maḣall ḋahab m,s |
July | Tammuz m,s |
jump | fazz v |
jump | naṫṫ v |
June | Ḣzayran m,s |
K | |
key | mifteḣ m,s |
keychain | xillay`it mfetiiḣ f,s |
kidney | kilwe f,s |
kids | wled pl |
kill | atal v |
kind man | edame m,s |
kitchen | maṫbaḱ m,s |
knee | rikbe f,s |
knife | sikkiin f/m,s |
L | |
lamp | lamba f,s |
language | liġa f,s |
large/ wide | xariiḋ m,s |
large/ wide | xariiḋa f,s |
large/ wide | xraaḋ pl |
last name | isim l xayle m,s |
late | m`aḱḱar |
later | baxden |
lawyer | muḣeme m,s |
lawyer | muḣemiyye f,s |
leave/ depart | fall v |
Lebanese | Libnene m,s |
Lebanese | Libneniyye f,s |
Lebanese folkdance | dabke f,s |
Lebanon | Libnen m,s |
left | cmel |
leg/ foot | ijir f,s |
lemon | ḣamiḋ pl |
Lemon (a)/ Lemon tree | ḣamḋa f,s |
lemon (variant) | ḣamod pl |
lesson | daris m,s |
lets go/ move it | yalla |
letter | maktub m,s |
letter/ symbol | ḣarif m,s |
lettuce | ḱass pl |
library | maktabe f,s |
license | riḱṡa f,s |
life | xiice f,s |
lighten | ḋawwa v |
lighter | iddeḣa f,s |
like | mitil |
live | xec v |
liver | kibid m,s |
long/ tall | ṫawiil m,s |
long/ tall | ṫawiile f,s |
long/ tall | ṫwal pl |
lose | ḱisir v |
luggage cart | xarabiyye/ kirrayje f,s |
lunch | ġada m,s |
M | |
magazine | majalle f,s |
mall | mall m,s |
man | zalme m,s |
manager | mudiir m,s |
manager | mudiira f,s |
map | ḱariiṫa f,s |
March | Adaar m,s |
market | su` m,s |
mass service | iddes m,s |
May | Ayyaar m,s |
meat | laḣim pl |
meat | laḣme pl |
melon | cimmem pl |
melt/dissolve in | deb v |
men’s shoes | ṡbabiit pl |
men’s shoes | ṡibbaṫ m,s & pair |
menu | menu f,s |
method/ way | ṫarii`a f,s |
Mexican | Miksiike m,s |
midnight | noṡṡ lel m,s |
milk | ḣaliib m,s |
mint plant | naxinxa f,s |
mint | naxnax pl |
minute | d`ii`a f,s |
mirror | mreye f,s |
mix | ḱalaṫ v |
mom/ mather | mama f,s |
Monday | Ttanen m,s |
money | maṡaare pl |
month | cahir m,s |
moon | amar m,s |
morning | ṡṡibiḣ/ ṡṡobiḣ m,s |
mosque | jemix m,s |
mother | imm f,s |
mountain | jabal m,s |
mouth | timm m,s |
move away | zeḣ v |
movie theater | sinema f,s |
movie/ film | fiilm m,s |
music | musii`a f,s |
my dear/ honey/ beloved | ḣabiibe m,s |
my dear/ honey/ beloved | ḣabiibte f,s |
myself | ḣaale |
N | |
narrow/ tight | dayy`iin pl |
narrow/ tight | dayyi` m,s |
narrow/ tight | dayy`a f,s |
near | ḣadd |
necessary | ḋarure |
neck | ra`be f,s |
new | jdiid m,s |
newspaper | jariide f,s |
night/ at-night | masa/ lmasa m,s |
nightclub | nightclub m,s |
nine | tisxa |
nineteen | tisixtaxc |
ninety | tisxiiin |
no | la` |
noon | ḋihir/ ḋḋihir m,s |
noon | ḋohir/ ḋḋohir m,s |
north | cmel |
nose | minḱar m,s |
November | Ticriin Tene m,s |
now | halla` |
nurse | mmarḋa f,s |
nurse | mmarriḋ m,s |
O | |
occasion | munesabe f,s |
October | Ticriin Awwal m,s |
office | maktab m,s |
officer | ḋaabiṫ m,s |
officer | ḋaabṫa f,s |
oh! | yii |
oil | zet/ zayt pl |
OK | OK |
old | xatii` m |
olive | zaytun pl |
omelet | xijje f,s |
on | xa/ xala |
once | marra |
one | waḣad m |
one | wiḣde f |
one-forth | ribix |
one-third | tilit |
onion | baṡal pl |
opposite | xakis |
orange | laymun pl |
orange | orange f,s |
oriental sweets / baklava | bi`lewa pl |
outside | barra |
oven | firin m,s |
over | fo` |
P | |
page | ṡafḣa f,s |
paint | dhen pl |
pants | banṫalon m,s & pair |
pants | bnaṫliin pl |
paper | war`a f,s |
papers | wara` pl |
park | ḣadii`a f,s |
parking | parking |
parsley | ba’dunis pl |
parsley (a)/ parsley plant | ba`dunse f,s |
party | ḣafle f,s |
passport | paspor m,s |
pay | dafax v |
pear | njaaṡ pl |
pear/ pear tree | njaṡa f,s |
pearl | lulu pl |
peel | accar v |
pen | alam m,s |
pens | `lem pl |
pepper | bhar m,s |
per | bi |
pharmacy | ṡayḋaliyye f,s |
phone | talfan v |
phone | Telephone m,s |
physician | ḣakiim m,s |
physician | ḣakiime f,s |
picnic | picnic f,s |
picture | ṡura f,s |
pinch/ jab | araṡ v |
pineapple | ananaas pl |
pink | zahir m,s |
pink | zahir f,s |
plane | ṫiyyara f,s |
plate | ṡahin m,s |
play (theatre) | masraḣiyye f,s |
plow | falaḣ v |
plum | ḱoḱ pl |
jaybe f,s | |
point/ guide | dall v |
police | boliis |
politician | siyese m,s |
politician | siyesiyye f,s |
popcorn | bucaar m,s |
Pope (the) | L Baba m,s |
pork | ḱanziir m,s |
possible | max`ul |
post office | bariid pl |
poster | poster m,s |
postpone | ajjal v |
potato | baṫaaṫa pl |
present | addam v |
priest | ḱure m,s |
priest’s wife | ḱuriyye f,s |
pull off | abax v |
puncture/ make a hole | adaḣ v |
purple | banafsaje m,s |
purple | banafsajiyye f,s |
Q | |
quick | sariix |
quickly | bsirxa |
R | |
radio | radio m,s |
rain | cite m,s |
raise up | abb v |
rat | jardoon m,s |
razor blade | cafrit ḣle`a f,s |
recipe | waṡfe f,s |
red | aḣmar m,s |
red | ḣamra f,s |
refrigerator | birrad m,s |
remove | cel v |
remove from a location | em v |
rent | ajaar m,s |
reply | radd v |
reservation | ḣajiz m,s |
rest | rteḣ v |
restaurant | maṫxam m,s |
return | rajjax v |
rice | rizz/ rozz pl |
right (hand) | yamiin |
ring | ḱaatim m,s |
river | nahir m,s |
road/ way | ṫarii` m,s |
Rome | Roma f,s |
roof | sa`if m,s |
room | uḋa f,s |
rope | ḣabil m,s |
ruins (site) | asaret pl |
ruler (for drawing) | maṡiṫra f,s |
S | |
sad | zixlen m,s |
sad | zixlene f,s |
salesman | biyyex m,s |
saleswoman | biyyexa f,s |
salt | miliḣ m,pl |
sand | ramil pl |
sandals | ṡanadil pl |
sandals | ṡandal m,s & pair |
sandwich | xarus/ sandwich f,s |
sandwich place | snak m,s |
Saturday | Ssabit m,s |
say/ tell | el v |
scare | fazzax v |
school | madirse f,s |
season | faṡil m,s |
seasons | fṡul pl |
second | senye f,s |
see/ watch | cef v |
sell | bex v |
send | baxat v |
September | Aylul m,s |
serving bowl | jaṫ m,s |
sesame paste | ṫḣiine f,s |
seven | sabxa |
seventeen | sabxtaxc |
seventy | sabxiin |
shampoo | shampoo m,s |
she | hiyye f,s |
shirt | amiiṡ |
shirts | imṡan pl |
shoes store | maḣall ṡṡbabiiṫ m,s |
shop/ store | maḣall m,s |
short | `ṡaar pl |
short | aṡiir m,s |
short | aṡiira/ aṡiire f,s |
shorts | cort m,s & pair |
shorts | cortet pl |
shoulder | kitif m,s |
shoulders | ktef pl |
shower/ bathe | tḣammam v |
shrine | mazaar m,s |
shrink | kacc v |
sick | mariiḋ m,s |
sick | mariiḋa f,s |
sidewalk | raṡiif m,s |
signal | accar v |
signal | icaara f,s |
silly | beyiḱ m |
silver | fiḋḋe m,s |
silver | fiḋḋiyye f,s & pl. |
since | min |
sink | majla m,s |
sister | iḱit/ iḱt f,s |
sit | axad v |
six | sitte |
sixteen | sittaxc |
sixty | sittiin |
skewer | ciic m,s |
ski resort | maḣall skii m,s |
skirt | tannura f,s |
skirts | tneniir pl |
sky | sama f,s |
sleep | nem v |
Slippers/ Flip-flops | micceye f,s & pair |
Slippers/ Flip-flops | micceyet f,pl |
slow | baṫii` |
slowly | cway cway |
small/ young | zġaar pl |
small/ young | zġiir m,s |
small/ young | zġiire f,s |
smell | camm v |
smile | btasam v |
smoke (noun) | diḱḱan pl |
smoke a water pipe | argal v |
snow | talij pl |
soap | ṡabune f,s |
socks | kalset pl |
sofa | sofa f,s |
soldier | xaskare m,s |
sometimes | aw`et |
son | ibin m,s |
son | ibin/ ibn m,s |
song | ġiniyye f,s |
sorry/ excuse me | pardon * |
soup | corba f,s |
south | jnub |
Spain | Espanya f,s |
Spanish | Espane m,s |
Spanish | Espaniyye f,s |
sparrow | xaṡfur m,s |
sparrow | xaṡfura f,s |
spend time | aḋḋa v |
spider | xankabut m,s |
spinach | sbeniḱ pl |
spoon | maxil`a f,s |
spoon (variant) | malx`a f,s |
spring | rabiix m,s |
stand | em v |
stand up/ stop | wi`if v |
star | nijme f,s |
statue | timsel m,s |
stay | bi`e v |
stay/ remain | ḋall v |
stop | aṫax v |
stranger | ġariib m,s |
strawberry | frez pl |
student | tilmiiz m,s |
study | daras v |
subway | metro m,s |
sugar | sikkar pl |
suit | badle f,s |
suits | badlet pl |
summer | ṡef m,s |
summer | ṡṡef m,s |
sun | camis f,s |
Sunday | L Aḣad m,s |
supermarket | supermarket f,s |
sure/ of course | akiid |
swallow | balax v |
sweet/ beautiful | ḣilo m,s |
sweet/ beautiful | ḣilwe f,s |
sweet/ beautiful | ḣilwiin pl |
sweet/ pastries | ḣilo pl |
swimming pool | pissiin m,s |
Switzerland | Swiisra f,s |
synagogue (Jewish) | kniisit (yahude) m,s |
T | |
table | ṫawle f,s |
tables | ṫawlet pl |
take | aḱad v |
take a picture | ṡawwar v |
taste | de` v |
tea | cay m,s |
teacher | istez m,s |
telephone | telefon m,s |
tell/ narrate | ḱabbar v |
ten | xacra |
thanks | yislamo |
that is | hediik f,s |
that is | hiidek m |
the (definite article) | l |
theatre/ stage | masraḣ m,s |
these are | hawde pl |
they | hinne pl |
thirteen | tlataxc |
thirty | tletiin |
this/ this-is | hayda m,s |
this/ this-is | hayde f,s |
those (are) | hodiik pl |
thousand | alf |
thousand | alif |
three | tlete |
Thursday | L Ḱamiis m,s |
tie | gravat f,s |
tie | rabaṫ v |
tighten | cadd v |
tire (wheel) | duleb m,s |
to (+ verb) | ta |
to | xa |
today | lyom m,s |
together | max baxiḋ |
tomato | banadura pl |
tomorrow | bukra m,s |
too much/ very | ktiir |
tool shop | maḣall l xidde m,s |
tour | tour f,s |
tow | aṫar v |
toward | la/ xa |
towel | mancfe f,s |
trader/ merchant | tejir m,s |
trader/ merchant | tejra f,s |
train | marran v |
transfer/ convey | za“ v |
translate | tarjam v |
travel | sefar v |
tree | cajra f,s |
try | jarrab v |
Tuesday | Ttaleta m,s |
twelve | tnaxc |
twenty | xicriin |
twice | marten |
two | tnen |
U | |
ugly | bicix m,s |
ugly | bicxa f,s |
ugly | bicxiin pl |
umbrella | camsiyye f,s |
uncle (father side) | xam m,s |
uncle (mother side) | ḱel/ ḱal m,s |
under | taḣit |
understand | fihim v |
university | jemxa f,s |
unscrew/ disassemble | fakk v |
until | la ḣadd |
until | ta |
until | ta ḣatta |
up | fo` |
upon | xa |
USA/ United States | Amerka f,s |
V | |
vacation | forṡa f,s |
valley | wede m,s |
vanilla | vanilla f,s |
vase | mazhariyye f,s |
vegetables | ḱodra pl |
very good | ktiir mniiḣ |
video | video |
view | manżar m,s |
village | ḋayxa f,s |
vineyard | xariice f,s |
vineyards | xariic pl |
visit | zyaara f,s |
voice | ṡot m,s |
W | |
wake up | wixe v |
walnut | joz pl |
war | ḣarib m,s |
wash | ġassal v |
water spring | xen f,s |
water | mayy f,s |
waterfall | cillel m,s |
watermelon | batṫiiḱ pl |
waw! | yay |
we (are) | niḣna |
weather | ṫa`is m,s |
wedding | xiris m,s |
week | isbux m,s |
week | jimxa f,s |
welcome | ahlen |
west | ġarib |
what? | cu? |
wheat bread | ḱibiz asmar pl |
when? | aymta? |
where? | wen? |
which? | ayya? |
whiskey/scotch | whiskey/scotch m,s |
white | abyaḋ m,s |
white | bayḋa f,s |
white | biiḋ pl |
who? | miin? |
why? | le? |
widowed | armal m,s |
widowed | armale f,s |
win | ribiḣ v |
window | cibbek m,s |
wine | nbiid m,s |
wing | jneḣ m,s |
winter | cita m,s |
with | max |
without | bidun/ mindun |
woman | mara f,s |
women’s shoes | skarbiine f,s & pair |
women’s shoes | skarbiinet f,pl |
wool | ṡuf pl |
work | ctaġal v |
write | katab v |
writer | ketbe f,s |
writer | ketib m,s |
Y | |
year | sine f,s |
yellow | aṡfar m,s |
yellow | ṡafra f,s |
yellow | ṡifir pl |
yes | e |
yesterday | mberiḣ m,s |
yogurt | laban m,s |
yogurt drink | xiiran pl |
you/ you are | inta m,s |
you/ you are | inte f,s |
you/ you are | into pl |
Z | |
zero | ṡifir |
zipper | siḣḣaab m,s |
zoo | ḣadii`it ḣayawenet f,s |